
Don't waste your time......

Before waste your time your life - Read this at least once.

"It's not death that we should fear,
 we should fear 
 never beginning to live."

when we die, our lifeline does this

when we're alive,our lifeline does this.

Notice how that connects
with our real experiences of life.
Life is full of ups and downs,
it means you're alive.
Twists and turns,
love and loss,
happiness and sadness,
success and failure.

We experience extreme
highs, peaks, and summits.
And at the same time,
experience the troughs and lows,
 and submit.

Life is kind of like
one big crazy roller coaster.

Starts slowly

fill you wth anticipation
and curiosity
takes you up
and then sends you flying down
only to rise up quickly, again.

We laugh until it hurts,
we cry inside a little,
experience a few moments
where we want it to stop
and hope up it's all over,
but it just keeps going.

We somehow think
that success is linear,
and upward line,
there is literlly no
case study for that.
Everyone we admire
has ups and downs.

"Your body mostly replace itself
evry 7 to 15 years."
The organs that work the hardest,
have the fastest changeover.
Yoiu ge whole new skin 
every 2 to 4 weeks.
Your red blood cells
last less than half a year.

And your liver renews itselfg
at least once a couple of years.
The universe is always changing,
we are always changing,
but we want to remember the same.

We settle foe security,
 not recognizing that a flat lifeline
means we're dead.
Real life is ups and downs,
death looks like this.

Every time I see that
I remind myself
this is livilg,
this isn't.

"In the journey of life
we pass pleasure and pain
There will be sunshine and rain
there will be loss and gain.
But we must learn to
move forward again and again."

Don't judge the moment.
Don't try to hang on
because you keep
pushing you forward.

And remember,
this morning if you're healthy,
you're happier than
one million people
that will not survive this week.

If there is food in your fridge,
shoes on your feet,
clothes on your body,
a bed to sleep on
and a roof over your head,
you're richer than 75%
of people in the world.

And if you have a bank account,
money in your wallet,
or a purse,
or coins in a jar,
you're in the top 8%
of the world's wealthiest.

We cannot avoid the ups and downs,
but we can change
the way we see them.

Because as Wayne Dyer said,

"When we change the way 
we look at things,
the things we look at change."

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Don't waste your time...... Don't waste your time...... Reviewed by motivational stories on December 20, 2018 Rating: 5


  1. Very inspirational writing, young generation should read this kind of blog, so that they can get positive energy.
    You can get more real life inspirational stories here.

  2. Failure or Success

    When a coin is tossed, there’s a 50% chance it will land upon the side you bet. Similar is our outcome in different chores we perform in our life. One major difference that differentiates our life with tossing of the coin is that we put in a lot of devotion and hard work in our efforts. 


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