Here is a small story,
which will help you
to understand how
we gone judge sometime wrong,
we are going to judge someone.
so, never judge someone
by seeing there current situation
because you don't know
their whole story.
A 24 years old boy seeing out the
trains window and shouted,
" Dad look at the trees go behind "
The dad smiled. A couple
was sitting close by,
and they looks like slightly confused
at a 24-year-old getting so excited
and thrilled by just trees.
Soon after he shouted again,
" Dad look at clouds !
They're running with us!"
Every so often he become astounded
by anther part of nature.
The couple setting closed by couldn't
resist and said to the father,
"We think you should take your son
to see a good doctor".
There seems to be something
wrong with him."
The man replied, "We actually
just returned from a good doctor."
My son's eyesight was damaged
since he was born.
today he can see clearly again.
Remember not to judge
people's lives.
Everyone's living a different pain ,
a different story,
going through their own
Sometimes we don't know
someone's full background
before we make a judgment
or an assumption
about the way they're behaving.
Really get understand
and know people
before you draw conclusions.
And remember-
judgment is critical,
but observing is educational.
Focus on observing and
learning about people
before you make a judgment.

think before you judge someone....
Reviewed by motivational stories
December 10, 2018

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